To view my current publication list, please visit my Google Scholar Profile
Wu NC, Alton LA, Bovo RP, Carey N, Currie SE, Lighton JRB, McKechnie AE, Pottier P, Rossi GS, White CR, Levesque D (2024) Reporting guidelines for terrestrial respirometry: Building openness, transparency of metabolic rate and evaporative water loss data. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 296: 111688. (Contribution to the special issue: Methods in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology.)
Orford JT, Tan H, Martin JM*, Wong BBM*, Alton LA* (2024) Impacts of exposure to UV-B radiation and an agricultural pollutant on morphology and behaviour of tadpoles (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis). (*Contributed equally as senior authors). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Alton LA, Kutz TC, Bywater CL, Lombardi EJ, Cockerell FE, Layh S, Winwood-Smith H, Arnold PA, Beaman JE, Walter GM, Monro K, Mirth CK, Sgrò CM, White CR (2024) Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379: 20220484. (Contribution to the theme issue: Evolutionary significance of variation in metabolic rates.)
Diehl JN, Alton LA, White CR, Peters A (2023) Thermoregulatory strategies of nestling songbirds reveal limited capacity for cooling and high risk of dehydration. Journal of Thermal Biology 117: 103707.
Tan H, Brand JA, Clarke BO, Manera JL, Martin JM*, Wong BBM*, Alton LA* (2023). No evidence that the widespread environmental contaminant caffeine alters energy balance or stress responses in fish. Ethology 129: 666–678. (*Contributed equally as senior authors).
Alton LA, Novelo M, Beaman JE, Arnold PA, Bywater CL, Kerton EJ , Lombardi EJ, Koh C, McGraw EA (2023) Exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation increases the susceptibility of mosquitoes to infection with dengue virus. Global Change Biology 29: 5540–5551.
Orford JT, Tan H, Tingley R, Alton LA*, Wong BBM*, Martin JM* (2023) Bigger and bolder: Widespread agricultural pollutant 17β-trenbolone increases growth and alters behaviour in tadpoles (Litoria ewingii). Aquatic Toxicology 260: 106577. (*Contributed equally as senior authors).
De Jong MJ, Alton LA, White CR, O’Bryan MK, Wong BBM, Chapple DG (2023) Long-term effects of incubation temperature on growth and thermal physiology in a small ectotherm. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378: 20220137. (Contribution to the theme issue: The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach.)
White CR, Alton LA, Bywater CL, Lombardi EJ, Marshall DJ (2023) Response to Comments on “Metabolic scaling is the product of life-history optimization”. Science 380: eadf5188.
Tan H, Martin JM, Alton LA, Lesku JA, Wong BBM (2023) Widespread psychoactive pollutant augments daytime restfulness and disrupts diurnal activity rhythms in fish. Chemosphere 326: 138446.
Alton LA, Kellermann V (2023) Interspecific interactions alter the metabolic cost of climate warming. Nature Climate Change 13: 382–388.
Orford JT, Ozeki S, Brand JA, Henry J, Wlodkowic D, Alton LA*, Martin JM*, Wong BBM* (2022). Effects of the agricultural pollutant 17β-trenbolone on morphology and behaviour of tadpoles (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis). Aquatic Toxicology 251: 106289. (*Contributed equally as senior authors).
White CR, Alton LA, Bywater CL, Lombardi EJ, Marshall DJ (2022) Metabolic scaling is the product of life history optimization. Science 377: 834–839.
Bertram MG, Martin JM, McCallum ES, Alton LA, Brand JA, Brooks BW, Cerveny D, Fick J, Ford AT, Hellström G, Michelangeli M, Nakagawa S, Polverino G, Saaristo M, Sih A, Tan H, Tyler CR, Wong BBM, Brodin T (2022) Frontiers in quantifying wildlife behavioural responses to chemical pollution. Biological Reviews 97: 1346–1364.
Martin JM, Orford JT, Melo GC, Tan H, Mason RT, Ozeki S, Bertram MG, Wong BBM*, Alton LA* (2022). Exposure to an androgenic agricultural pollutant does not alter metabolic rate, behaviour, or morphology of tadpoles. Environmental Pollution 299: 118870. (*Contributed equally as senior authors).
Havula E, Ghazanfar S, Lamichane N, Francis D, Hasygar K, Liu Y, Alton LA, Johnstone J, Needham EJ, Pulpitel T, Clark T, Nirubini HN, Shang V, Tong V, Jiwnani N, Audia G, Alves AN, Sylow L, Mirth C, Neely GG, Yang J, Hietakangas V, Simpson SJ, Senior AM (2022) Genetic variation of macronutrient tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications 13: 1637.
Young A, Anderson RO, Naimo A, Alton LA, Goulet CT, Chapple, DG. (2022). How do the physiological traits of a lizard change during its invasion of an oceanic island? Oecologia 198: 567–578.
Anderson RO, Alton LA, White CR, Chapple DG (2022) Ecophysiology of a small ectotherm tracks environmental variation along an elevational cline. Journal of Biogeography 49: 405–415.
Ohmer MEB, Alton LA, Cramp RL (2021) Physiology provides a window into how the multi-stressor environment contributes to amphibian declines. In: Conservation Physiology: Applications for Wildlife Conservation and Management (eds Madliger C, Franklin CE, Love OP, Cooke SJ). Oxford University Press, Oxford. (Invited contribution).
da Silva CRB, Beaman JE, Dorey JB, Barker SJ, Congedi NC, Elmer MC, Galvin S, Tuiwawa M, Stevens MI, Alton LA, Schwarz MP, Kellermann V (2021) Climate change and invasive species: a physiological performance comparison of invasive and endemic bees in Fiji. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb230326.
Alton LA, Kutz TC, Bywater CL, Beaman JE, Arnold PA, Mirth CK, Sgrò CM, White CR (2020). Developmental nutrition modulates metabolic responses to projected climate change. Functional Ecology 34: 2488–2502.
Morrison S, Cramp RL, Alton LA, Franklin CE (2020) Cooler temperatures slow the repair of DNA damage in tadpoles exposed to ultraviolet radiation: implications for amphibian declines at high altitude. Global Change Biology 26: 1225–1234.
White CR, Marshall DJ, Alton LA, Arnold PA, Beaman JE, Bywater CL, Condon C, Crispin TS, Janetzki A, Pirtle E, Winwood-Smith HS, Angilletta MJ Jr, Chenoweth SF, Franklin CE, Halsey, LG, Kearney MR, Portugal SJ, Ortiz-Barrientos D (2019) The origin and maintenance of metabolic allometry in animals. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 598–603.
Alton LA, Franklin CE (2017) Drivers of amphibian declines: effects of ultraviolet radiation and interactions with other environmental factors. Climate Change Responses 4:6.
Alton LA, Condon C, White CR, Angilletta MJ Jr (2017) Colder environments did not select for a faster metabolism during experimental evolution of Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 71: 145–152.
White CR, Alton LA, Crispin TS, Halsey LG (2016) Phylogenetic comparisons of pedestrian locomotion costs: confirmations and new insights. Ecology and Evolution 6: 6712–6720.
van Uitregt VO, Alton LA, Heiniger J, Wilson RS (2016) Warmer temperatures reduce the costs of inducible defences in the marine toad, Rhinella marinus. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186: 123–130.
Wu NC, Alton LA, Clemente CJ, Kearney MR, White CR (2015) Morphology and burrowing energetics of semi-fossorial skinks (Liopholis spp.). Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 2416–2426.
Winwood-Smith HS, Alton LA, Franklin CE, White CR (2015) Does greater thermal plasticity facilitate range expansion of an invasive terrestrial anuran into higher latitudes? Conservation Physiology 3: cov010.
Alton LA, Portugal SJ, White CR (2013) Balancing the competing requirements of air-breathing and display behaviour during male-male interactions in Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 164: 363–367.
Mitchell T, Alton LA, White CR, Franklin, C. E. (2012) Relations between conspecific density and effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on tadpole size in the striped marsh frog. Conservation Biology 26: 1112–1120.
Alton LA, Franklin CE (2012) Do high temperatures enhance the negative effects of ultraviolet-B radiation in embryonic and larval amphibians? Biology Open 1: 897–903.
White CR, Alton LA, Frappell, P. B. (2012) Metabolic cold adaptation in fishes occurs at the level of whole animal, mitochondria and enzyme. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 1740–1747.
Alton LA, White CR, Wilson RS, Franklin CE (2012) The energetic cost of exposure to UV radiation for tadpoles is greater when they live with predators. Functional Ecology 26: 94–103.
Bernal MH, Alton LA, Cramp RL, Franklin CE (2011) Does simultaneous UV-B exposure enhance the lethal and sub-lethal effects of aquatic hypoxia on developing anuran embryos and larvae? Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181: 973–980.
Alton LA, Wilson RS, Franklin CE (2011) A small increase in UV-B increases the susceptibility of tadpoles to predation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2575–2583.
Alton LA, Wilson RS, Franklin CE (2010) Risk of predation enhances the lethal effects of UV-B in amphibians. Global Change Biology 16: 538–545.
Alton LA, White CR, Seymour RS (2007) Effect of aerial O2 partial pressure on bimodal gas exchange and air-breathing behaviour in Trichogaster leeri. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 2311–2319.